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Kicking Off 2024-25!
1. We have a Membership chat group set up for us! Click here to be added to the Signal group. This will allow us to have a spot to ask questions, share ideas and/or concerns. Just like when we were kids, if one person has a question about something, it’s probably a guarantee that someone else has that same question, so feel free to ask questions there!
2. September will officially be declared Membership Month in Irvine! We have some vendors that have agreed to offer extra sweet perks for PTA members that month! I’ve attached both a PDF and a PNG, so you can print or share on social media and on your websites.
3. Remittance form.* Click here to see what Council’s remittance form looks like. Your treasurer will be in charge of filling that out and writing a check, but you will be responsible for letting them know what your (amazing) numbers are! *only needed for memberships not collected on TOTEM
4. Final reminder (at least from me) about training  this Friday, August 23rd! Make sure you RSVP by August 22nd (my birthday, woo hoo!), so we know you’ll be there! Hope to see you all on Friday at 9 am!
Remittance Form

Dues have gone up this year by $.40 for a total of $5.90 per membership. Here’s how that breaks down to support operation of our PTA organization:

  • IUCPTA $.65
  • 4th District PTA $1 
  • CA PTA $2.00 
  • National PTA $2.25 (anticipating possible increase for 2024-25 to $3.25 to be voted at National Convention end of June 2024)

Remember, insurance is now invoiced directly from AIM insurance. The IUCPTA assessment fee helps offset a small portion of the support council provides to 43 PTA units:

How units benefit… Value to all 43 units…
  • Fall Kick-Off training
  •  $14 per unit
  • IUCPTA Website
  • $16 per unit
  • Hybrid Video-conferncing for those who can’t make in-person
  • $13 per unit
  • Newsletter Email Service Provider
  • $51 per unit
  • Meeting Hospitality
  • $12 per unit
  • Membership Incentives
  • $12 per unit
  • Honorary Service Awards
  • $17 per unit
  • HS Scholarships
  • $70 per unit
  • Spirit of Community
    • $47+ per unit
    • Prize Giveaways, Membership Perks & FUN!
    • Priceless!
    AMAZING SUPPORT! Over $250 in unit benefits!


    Incentive Rewards & Due Dates - New for 2024-25!

    2024-2025 Membership Incentives and Challenges passport image

    *Membership must reach the California State PTA office by the deadline. Application details for challenges will be available soon.

    1. Tell Us Your Theme and Goal 

    All PTA units that forward their membership theme for the 2024-2025 membership year, along with a membership goal that reflects an increase over their final membership total from 2023-2024, on or before the deadline, will receive a digital badge celebrating their success and be recognized through California State PTA social media platforms. Application is required. Due Date: 9/30/24 

    2. 100 Days & 100+ Members Strong

    All PTA units that forward* a minimum of 100 members on or before the 100th day of the 2024-2025 A term will receive a digital badge, be recognized on California State PTA social media platforms, and receive a ribbon at the annual Convention. No application is required. Due Date: 10/9/24

    3. Ready, Set, Remit 

    All PTA units that forward* a minimum of 30 members on or before the deadline will receive a digital badge and be recognized on California State PTA social media platforms. No application is required. Due Date: 10/30/24

    4. 100% Teacher Membership

    All PTA units that achieve 100% teacher members and forward* their membership on or before the deadline will receive a digital badge and be recognized on California State PTA social media platforms. Application is required. Due Date: 11/30/24  

    5. Halfway There Award 

    This award is given to PTA units that have forwarded* membership totals equal to or greater than their entire membership total for the 2023-2024 PTA term based on the December 2024 California State PTA Membership Report. PTA units will receive a digital badge and be recognized on California State PTA social media platforms. No application is required. Due Date: 12/31/24

    6. 10% Student Membership

    This award is given to PTA units that have forwarded* student membership totals of at least 10% of total student enrollment (based on average daily attendance) on or before the deadline. PTA units will receive a digital badge and be recognized on California State PTA social media platforms. Application is required. Due Date: 1/31/25 

    7. Founders’ Day Membership Challenge 

    PTA Founders’ Day is February 17. In celebration of our organization’s founding members, we’re challenging you to spread awareness beyond your typical campus reach. Whether it be a neighbor, friend, or small local business – anyone can join PTA and support your unit! Share your success stories and your thinking strategy for seeking hidden members on or before the deadline. PTA units will earn a digital badge and be recognized on California State PTA social media platforms. Application is required. Due Date: 2/28/25

    8. Membership March

    PTA units that increase membership over their 2023-2024 membership total will earn one of the following awards: Bronze: 1-33% increase; Silver: 34-66% increase; and Gold: 67-100% increase. Each unit will receive a digital badge indicating their award level and be recognized on California State PTA social media platforms. No application is required. Due Date: 3/31/2025 

    9. 5 for $500 

    Any PTA unit earning 5 of the incentives above on or before the deadline will be entered in a drawing to receive a $500 cash award. They will also receive a digital badge and be recognized on California State PTA social media platforms. No application is required. Due Date: 4/15/25


    >Download pdf

    Sponsorship Guidelines

    Sponsorship Guidelines

    The law permits a non-profit organization such as PTA, without payment of income taxes and without risking loss of tax exemption, to receive corporate sponsorships. To learn more about sponsorship versus endorsements, click here.


    Follow PTA’S Noncommercial Policy

    • Do not make a qualitative judgment on the sponsor’s products or services.
    • Do not include comparative language or language that implies good quality in the acknowledgment.
    • Do not permit the sponsor to write the acknowledgment of thanks.
    • Do not ask your members or the public to buy the products or services of the sponsor.
    • Do not advertise a product or service.
    • Do not endorse a product or service.

    Acceptable Acknowledgments (Good Word)
    This includes the transmission or display of a sponsor’s logos and slogans that do not contain comparative or qualitative description of its products and services. It may include sponsor locations, telephone numbers, and value-neutral description of a sponsor’s product line or services.

    Unacceptable Acknowledgments that include advertising (Bad Word) 
    To the extent that the acknowledgment exceeds mere identification and, instead, promotes the sponsor’s product or services, the recognition may instead be treated as advertising rather than an acknowledgment. Price information would generally be treated as advertising rather than acknowledgment. Any inducement to buy, sell, rent, or lease a sponsor’s product or service would likewise be treated as advertising rather than donor acknowledgment.

    Permissible Activities

    • Give the corporate sponsor an acknowledgment of thanks in return for the donation.
    • Identify the sponsor’s name, a picture of their product, an address, phone number, web page, and/or including URL if on website.
    • Include the logo or slogan of the sponsor for example: “Ford, Where Quality is Job One” or “Ford, Makers of Lincoln Mark VII”.
    • Provide free product samples. For example, it is acceptable to have a banner which states, “Pepsi: Valued sponsor of the California State PTA Convention – free samples at Booth 56″ However, be sure any food products are approved by your school first.

    Prohibited Activities

    • Do not include any comparative statement such as, “MCI is better than AT&T!” or “Chevy: Best Car in America!”
    • Do not call for someone to purchase a product. For example, “List your home with Century 21 today!” or “Wells Fargo: Open an account today!”
    • Do not hang a banner which states, “PTA hates Coca-Cola and loves Pepsi.”

    SOURCE: March 2007 issue of the California State PTA publication, “The Communicator”.

    PTA does not sell ads or ad space!

    DO NOT sell advertising for advertising sake.  PTA DOES thank sponsors and donors for supporting events and we THANK them by acknowledging them as described above in websites, social media, newsletters, banners, and over PA system if at an event.

    Include a statement like this wherever appropriate:

    XYZ PT(S)A does not endorse any commercial entity, product or service. No endorsement of ABC Business is implied.

    Goals / Certificates

    20,000 Membership Goal!

    As one of the largest PTA membership groups in the nation, we can continue to grow our membership by simply asking families and community members to support our collective voice in support of public education excellence. 

    As units, there are lots of creative ways to reach all family members, friends, distant relatives, businesses, etc. We trust you’ll come up with some fun incentives and campaigns communicating the value and impact PTA has on your school. Every membership counts!


    Ready, Set, Remit! California PTA (CAPTA) encourages membership amongst its schools by having Challenges throughout the year. The most important one is Ready, Set, Remit! Although 15 paid memberships by Dec. 1st is the minimum for a PTA to remain in good standing as a non-profit, we encourage you to get at least 30 memberships remitted to Council by the first President’s meeting on September 14th.

    PTA Members

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