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TIP: CaPTA Approved Vendor List

This is a listing of concessionaire/Vendor/Service Providers who have filed the appropriate Hold Harmless and Insurance documents with the California State PTA Broker. These vendors may be used without requiring any additional insurance information or the Hold...
TIP:  Discover the New CaPTA Leadership Website

TIP: Discover the New CaPTA Leadership Website

Watch the 14m video below to discover all the great info to be found on the CaPTA Leadership Website!   Remember! The CaPTA Toolkit is still a very good resource as well for various forms, procedures, etc. and can be found here:  Looks...
Tip: Say Something App & Hotline

Tip: Say Something App & Hotline

Say Something Anonymous Reporting System enables students to seek support for themselves or for friends when anonymity is wanted. Students should consider downloading the app Google or Apple  or call 1-844-5-SAYNOW or 1-844-572-9669. If immediate assistance is needed,...
TIP: Setting Ground Rules

TIP: Setting Ground Rules

We recommend setting this standard for your exec board team & chairs when issues come up: Tell me Tell me first Tell me in language I can understand Tell me as soon as it is a concern Tell me privately Give me time to think before we...