Availability: IUCPTA is pleased to offer one (1) $500 Scholarship for each of the 7 Irvine High Schools- Creekside, Irvine Virtual Academy at San Joaquin, Irvine High, Northwood High, Portola High, University High, and Woodbridge High. The scholarship will go to...
For Trustee Area 3 of Irvine, two candidates are running for a seat on the Orange County Board of Education. Voting will take place in the upcoming Primary Election, March 5. The two candidates are: Nancy Watkins (nancywatkins4oc.com) Ken Williams (drken4ocbe.com)...
Congratulations Award Recipients! The Irvine Council of PTAs is honored to invite parents, students, school principals and PTA Reflections Chairs to the Reflections Award Ceremony, Saturday, February 3rd, 2024 at Performing Arts Center at Solis Park School Auditorium,...
The 29th Annual Report on the Conditions of Children in Orange County is now available, offering a comprehensive assessment of the health, economic well-being, education and safety of Orange County’s Children. The following areas have shown improvement in the lives of...
PTA Members and Counting! ATTENTION: Unit Presidents/Membership Officers & Chairs Here’s what you can do: Ask your principal to post on the school marquee next week:”Join PTA during City of Irvine PTA Membership week! Sept 17-23!” Share the City...
Application Deadline is Sept. 30th. Interested in Joining a Committee?Here's your chance to make a difference and work collaboratively with other passionate PTA'ers. Each area of interest requires teamwork, lots of patience, good communication skills, and an...