Family Engagement

A Framework for Student, Family, and Community Success

Effective Family Engagement

What Family Engagement Can Look Like!

Our Wish List & Vision
  • Our Vision: To build trusting relational partnerships with our schools (teachers, staff, administrators) to support our students with the best educational experience we can envision at IUSD. You can’t have one without the other.
  • Our Wish List for IUSD:
    • Providing staff/administrators readily available access to professional interpreters and translators when needed
    • Holding schools accountable for using interpreting and translation services available. Check out the U.S. Department of Justice’s view of translation/interpreting for parents, read more . CA Ed Code 48985
    • Updating the communication platform as well as setting clear policies, expectations of all stakeholders, and using best practices in content and delivery
    • Including more disaggregated data in the LCAP metrics for family engagement –telling of truer story about our marginalized or under represented family groups
    • Improving School Site Council practices with training for all participants (shared data, goals, accountability, transparency, discretionary budgets, etc.)
    • Training for staff/administrators on family engagement practices and using the Dual-Capacity Framework as an equity tool.  Special emphasis and work needs to be done at the middle school level where old paradigms of parent/guardian involvement dropping off still exist today even though a significant amount of data shows this may be where even more engagement needs to happen since our children’s brains are again developing very rapidly at this stage of their life
Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships
  • Dual Capacity for Family Engagement – Educators’ and Families’ path to true family engagement only works when both understand and agree upon the goals and capacity outcomes
Male Engagement
Research Data


Take a look at the latest findings from our national parent survey conducted in collaboration with Edge Research.

Webinar on Research Findings

Supplemental PTA Survey Findings

Edge Research has provided the following data dashboards for reference based upon our survey findings.

Engage in Your Child's Success!
Parenting Resources

IUSD Parent/Guardian Workshops

Each month, IUSD Family Engagement offers very informative and timely workshops/webinars in various languages for IUSD families.  Take advantage of the newcomer sessions to help welcome new families to the school district.

IUSD Family Engagement

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