The California School Dashboard (Dashboard) is an online tool designed to help communities across the state access important information about kindergarten through grade twelve schools and districts. The Dashboard features easy-to-read reports on multiple measures of school success. The Dashboard represents one of many steps taken over the past decade that have raised the bar for student learning, increased the focus on equity, and expanded the review of performance data to a specific set of state and local measures.
Learn more below! (translated links included)
Getting to Know the California School Dashboard (Translated)
- Getting to Know the California School Dashboard (English)(PDF)
- التعريف بلوحة المعلومات المدرسية لولاية كاليفورنيا (Arabic)(PDF)
- 了解加州学校管理中心 (Simplified Chinese)(PDF)
- 了解加州學校管理中心 (Traditional Chinese)(PDF)
- آشنایی با داشبورد مدرسه کالیفرنیا (Farsi)(PDF)
- Знакомство с информационной платформой школ штата Калифорнии (Russian)(PDF)
- Conociendo el Tablero de Información Escolar de California (Spanish)(PDF)
- Tìm Hiểu về Bảng Đồng Hồ Theo Dõi Trường Học California (Vietnamese)(PDF)
Getting to Know the Dashboard State Measures (Translated)
- Getting to Know the Measures (English)(PDF)
- التعرف على مقاييس الولاية (Arabic)(PDF)
- 了解州指标 (Simplified Chinese)(PDF)
- 了解州分措施 (Traditional Chinese)(PDF)
- آشنایی با معیارهای ایالتی (Farsi)(PDF)
- Показатели успеваемости, используемые в штате (Russian)(PDF)
- Familiarizándonos con las medidas del estado (Spanish)(PDF)
- Tìm Hiểu Các Thước Đo Đánh Giá của Tiểu Bang (Vietnamese)(PDF)
How Dashboard Colors are Determined
Translations for this flyer will be coming in December 2023.
How to View Performance of a School or District on the Dashboard
- How to View Performance of a School or District on the Dashboard(PDF)
- 如何在管理中心上查看表現 (Traditional Chinese)(PDF)
- Cómo visualizar el rendimiento en el Tablero (Spanish)(PDF)
- Paano Makikita sa Dashboard ang Performance (Tagalog)(PDF)
- Cách Xem Thành Tích trên Bảng Thông Tin (Vietnamese)(PDF)
Exploring the Equity Report
Translations for this flyer will be coming in December 2023.
How to Compare Schools on the Dashboard
How to Compare Schools on the Dashboard(PDF)
Translations for this flyer will be coming in December 2023.
English Learner Students on the Dashboard
Translations for this flyer will be coming in December 2023.
Information on the Participation Rate (Translated)
Translations for this flyer will be coming in December 2023.
Getting to Know the Local Measures (Translated)
- Getting to Know the Local Measure(PDF)
- التعرّف على المقاييس المحلية (Arabic)(PDF)
- 了解地方指标 (Simplified Chinese)(PDF)
- 了解當地指標 (Traditional Chinese)(PDF)
- آشنایی با معیارهای محلی (Farsi)(PDF)
- Знакомство с местными показателями (Russian)(PDF)
- Familiarizándonos con las medidas locales (Spanish)(PDF)
- Tìm hiểu Thông tin về các Thước đo đánh giá Địa phương (Vietnamese)(PDF)
Information on Local Measures for Parents (Translated)
- Information on Local Measures for Parents(PDF)
- معلومات عن المقاييس المحلية لأولياء الأمور (Arabic)(PDF)
- 针对家长的地方指标信息 (Simplified Chinese)(PDF)
- 家長的當地指標資料 (Traditional Chinese)(PDF)
- اطلاعات مربوط به معیارهای محلی برای والدین (Farsi)(PDF)
- Информация о местных показателях успеваемости учащихся для родителей (Russian)(PDF)
- Información para padres sobre las mediciones locales (Spanish)(PDF)
- Thông tin về Thước đo đánh giá địa phương dành cho Phụ huynh (Vietnamese)(PDF)