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This is a listing of concessionaire/Vendor/Service Providers who have filed the appropriate Hold Harmless and Insurance documents with the California State PTA Broker. These vendors may be used without requiring any additional insurance information or the Hold Harmless agreement. We have collected these items for you and are retaining for all. If the date listed for “Expiration Date” has already passed it means the insurance for this vendor has expired. If the insurance has expired please instruct the vendor to contact AIM to provide updated documentation.

Be very careful that the proper name of the vendor matches the name on the list. Many of them have similar names or may be franchises. Because a vendor is listed here with insurance it DOES NOT mean that all activities they might offer are approved. Please consult the Red, Yellow, Green light page within the PTA Insurance Guide for allowable PTA activities and use the PTA Student Participant Waiver form for all physical activities!